As someone facing drug charges due to a dependency on a particular substance, you may recognize that it is time to make some important changes in your life. Enrolling in a Greenville County drug court may help you get your life back on the right track by helping you overcome your substance abuse dependency. It may also help prevent you from spending time in jail or prison.
How might you tell if you are eligible for drug court in Greenville County, and what might the program look like once enrolled?
Program requirements and details
Drug courts operate on the belief that many offenders would not be there if they were not dependent on their drug of choice. Thus, they work to hold you accountable for your offense, but they also seek to treat your addiction with the hope that, without it, you might abstain from any future criminal behavior. To potentially enter drug court, you must plead guilty to what authorities charged you with and receive a sentence for the offense.
The judge suspends or transfers that sentence to the county drug court, and once there, you must make an 18-month commitment to the program. During its duration, you also must adhere to strict compliance requirements. You must attend regular outpatient counseling sessions, undergo random drug screenings and pay $35 a week until you complete the program. Furthermore, you must hold down a job throughout the entirety of the drug court program.
Program completion
If you complete all 18 months of drug court successfully, the court considers your original sentence satisfied. In the event that you fail to uphold the compliance requirements associated with drug court, you may face the original sentence handed down for your offense.