Greenville Criminal Law Blog
Do I have to talk to law enforcement officers?
It is natural to be nervous if law enforcement officers try to question you. However, understanding your rights in the United States where this is
What does the Fourth Amendment protect you from?
If authorities seize your belongings or search your property without legal approval, it is a violation of your rights. Regardless of why authorities may want
3 mistakes that could cost you your green card
The road to establishing permanent residency in the United States is not always an easy or smooth one. Part of the process involves securing a
What could happen if you hire undocumented immigrants?
When you hire a new employee, you must complete the proper paperwork to turn into the government to document this new employee/employer relationship. Part of
Can a plea bargain benefit you?
As someone facing a criminal conviction, you may wonder what your options are. If a plea bargain gets offered, you may think that taking it
How does lack of predisposition prove entrapment?
When it comes to drug offenses, entrapment is a complete defense. If you never thought to commit a crime before this moment, you could be
Priorities for immigrants during criminal defense
Criminal defense strategy requires a custom approach. Every lawsuit results in a different set of priorities because every case is different. However, there are some
When possession charges include the intent to distribute
For someone facing charges for the possession of illegal drugs, he or she may have questions regarding the intent to distribute. Charges for the possession
The effect of a criminal conviction on citizenship
For many of those engaged in the immigration process in South Carolina, the ultimate goal may be to become a naturalized U.S. citizen. Such a
When can authorities search your car without a warrant?
Unless you understand your rights when interacting with law enforcement officials, what could otherwise be a simple traffic stop has the potential to lead to