If you are an undocumented immigrant in the United States living in North Carolina, you are not alone. In fact, according to Fox, North Carolina is estimated to be 8th where states with the highest undocumented populations are concerned.
The most common way to obtain legal status is to marry a US citizen. Your situation is better if you originally entered the United States legally, as this would make you eligible for an “adjustment of status.” If you entered the country illegally to begin with and then entered into a marriage with a US citizen, it is advisable to contact a lawyer to examine your options.
Another option is to sign up for the US Military. As of the writing of this post, it is possible to sign up for the US military under Operation Enduring Freedom and obtain US citizenship. You will need to sign up for the military on US territory.
Another potential option is to apply for asylum. After being accepted for asylum, you may apply for US citizenship one year after. In order to successfully apply for asylum, you must show that you would be persecuted in your home country if you were forced to return.
Another option, if your home country is going through a civil war or another sort of unrest is to apply for Temporary Protection Status. While this will in no way lead to a Green Card, it will let you live in the United States were up to 18 months and also get a work permit.
This post is intended to educate you on your options for becoming legally present in the United States. It is not intended to be taken as legal advice.